Raymond M

Finding Back Way Home For Golden-winged Warbler

Birds are the brightest ornaments of the sky and nature. One of the prettiest inhabitants who take up very little space on human lands, yet, today are being driven out by humans only. Today, the condition of animals and birds like Golden Winged Warbler, Wood Thrush and others like Marvelous Spatuletail, and others have come under the scanner. These birds that once ruled specific regions in the Americas are today homeless and yes, dying fast.

The process of deforestation started long time back when the world was still taking baby steps towards industrialization. But the people had no idea that their land clearing or deforestation and removing birds from their homes would prove so costly. Already one of the grave consequences of deforestation is seen since the global warming has stuck the world badly. But that said, the condition of those displaced birds and animals is pathetic. Across US even now, several parks and forests are being razed down and put to use for mining, or even for building roads or even using them for grazing. The birds, in short are homeless and this kind of loss of habitat is also forcing the little beauty Golden winged warblerto die down quite rapidly.

More About the Loss of Food and Home:

The birds that are specific about nesting in a safe, dry, or even in high or tall trees, are now left with no option. Nesting habits in birds vary from one to another. In fact, it is not new to note that many birds even become migratory to nest or even mate in specific climatic zones. But, if they do not get these suitable spots, they may not nest and their race might die down soon too. This is indeed pitiful and this is why, various environmentalists have come together, to find out, about the birds, and their nesting habits and are doing their bit to get back homes for these birds.

The problem with birds like Golden Winged Warbler is that they would need varied types of forests for their lives. While nesting they would need young forests and since they are quite energetic by nature, they would just wait for the nestlings to leave their nests before they themselves hop and fly over to other denser forests or matured forests. These songbirds are special birds that are also dying fast thanks to the deforestation.

Knowing and Creating Awareness:

If you are planning to do your bit, consult fellow birdwatchers or environmentalists in helping find new habitats or food for these birds. You may also try to plant new trees or saplings just so that these birds live long and nest freely as always.

Similarly, creating awareness would only be possible if you know about the environment where you live in and then proceed to consult the organization to be a part of their reforestation programs or rehabilitation programs for these birds. Such steps will be the best ways to ensure the birds return to the nests and restore the balance in the world.

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