The thing about redesigning and renovation is that it can, more often than not cost you a fair share of your savings. If you think that having a beautifully and professionally designed home is worth the hassle, then you should go for it. But if you believe that renovating your home in a professional capacity can put too big a dent in your savings, but still want to beautify your home, then you should go for the DIY genre of redesigning. Today, there are actually social media pages such as Nifty and Five Minute Crafts dedicated solely to this sort of fusion professional and personal integration of design.
If you do a quick inventory of your home, you would notice that the basement is one of the more run-down parts of your house, and therefore, the place that would need a close-eyed revamping, especially the ceiling, which would be running with joists, pipes, and wiring. Going the way of DIY for designing a basement ceiling can require a lot of hard work and brainstorming, but with the right ideas and a well-done paint job you can succeed. All you need is the help of your family and close friends along with a list of plausible ideas to choose from, and you can get the basement of your dreams even if you’re a design novice. Let’s discuss some ideas to get you started below.
by Lucy Call
Knowing the Basement
A typical basement is closed off on all sides and can seem rather claustrophobic. Combined with the fact that all basements tend to have low ceilings, the typical basement room seems tiny and offbeat. To revamp a basement ceiling on your own, you should focus on making the basement seem open and airy. The best way to do that is apply soft colors in all DIY options you will try – mainly white, as it gives an aura of open breeziness. We will now discuss a few options for you to try your hand at decorating the basement ceiling yourself.
Paint is one of the easier ways to go about revamping the basement ceiling yourself. Not only is it easy to use, but you can find all sorts of encouraging videos and articles on how to do a decent paint job all over the internet. Using the idea of color can also help you get a little bit more creative in this endeavor. You can always deploy fun, contrasting color schemes to hide the exposed ductwork and piping, or camouflage them within unusual patterns . Aside from the usual chalk paint and wall paint options, you can also use spray paint to have a little more flexibility with creating designs.
by Ileana Schinder, LLC
Decorative Woodwork
Woodworking is slightly harder to accomplish on a DIY basis but not undoable- you just have to make sure to have someone tool savvy on your team. The woodworking is best applicable to a basement ceiling that is free of all exposed duct and electrical work. You can also buy decorative beams from home improvement stores and affix them yourselves – an awesome option if you want to show off a little architectural flair. You can also stain your paint these beams before fixing them to the ceiling to give off a personalized flair to your basement interior.
by Jon Eady Photographer
Laminate Planks
Since this is an era of prefabricated applications, especially in the construction industry, so it would only be reasonable to take advantage of this trend to revamp your homes. Laminate planks can be bought as prefabricated objects from home improvement stores . They are rectangular in shape and are available in a wide variety of colors and textures. They can be stacked side by side to give your basement a more structured aesthetic. Although a bit of a time-consuming project, these laminate planks are easy to install.
by JAC Design
Regular decorative ceilings such as drop and plywood ceilings can add a professional touch to the overall ambiance, but there is a beauty in the occasional unrefined home project that adds a cozy intimacy to your house, and we hope for you to accomplish just that with all the ideas above.