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Though this article is dedicated to the knowhow and the benefits of PRINCE2 Certification, there’s enough need to say that a certification cannot make a Project Manager. Good management depends on an individual’s hard skills in tune with soft skills and the success of a project, big or small, completely depends on how well and timely one can utilise both these aspects. Though according to experts, hard skills make for only a portion of the comprehensive management skills, yet its best to learn them for better implementation. However, a Project Manager should also know when and how to modify them so as to gain timely success. PRINCE2 certification aims at educating potential managers in the skills of planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring their projects.

‘Projects In Controlled Environments’ has been abbreviated to the term PRINCE2. The name itself tells us the objective behind the certification. It is a method that empowers an individual with the needful tools of management; helps learn the right way to exercise control and develop organizational skills that is beneficial in the managing and success of a project by following a predesigned process. PRINCE2 was developed based on the responses and reviews of the end users and private and public sector organizations and the evaluations of experts in the field. This is reason why PRINCE2 highlights the best practice methods in the industry, though it is highly adaptable and flexible and can be designed to suit the needs of any organization or project.

PRINCE2 Certification – Giving You An Extra Edge

The major benefit of applying PRINCE2 methodology to any project is a seamless planning and communication, clarity in understanding the roles and clear division of responsibilities which is visible from every level of an organization.

PRINCE2 methodology is based on 7 principles, 7 themes and 7 processes and the certification can further be done in three levels – PRINCE2 Foundation, PRINCE2 Practitioner and PRINCE2 Professional. Though quite costly, these courses are short term courses; a matter of only few days; yet designed to accomplish team leaders, managers, directors and above with the much needed methodology of successful team managing and delivering successful projects

Out of the three, PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner are the more popular ones. PRINCE2 Foundation gives you the basic grounding to work in a team that operates on PRINCE2 methodology. The examination involves 1 hour of test, requiring the candidates to answer 75 questions and the pass marks is 50%. PRINCE2 Practitioner exam tests your ability to apply the methodology in an exemplary scenario and is spread over a time span of 2 and half hours. The exam requires the candidates to answer 8 questions with 10 items per question and the pass marks is 55%.

PRINCE2 certification costs are £ 240.00, £ 333.00, £ 260.00 and £ 367.00 for PRINCE2 Foundation, PRINCE2 Practitioner, PRINCE2 Re-registration and PRINCE2 Practitioner Examination respectively. The PRINCE2 certification costs in India are equal to the GBP depending on the conversion rate on the day of registration.

Having said this, it needs to be remembered that the success of a manager depends solely on his/her acumen to balance hard skills and soft skills and drive the project towards success.

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