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The explosive growth of the World Wide Web is responsible for the whole information, business and social landscapes of the society. It is now possible to do business internationally from the small corner of our house. However, there are multiple web development mistakes that can hamper our international marketing efforts. In this case, the website may not provide a clear message and we should get proper attention from the visitors. When someone is asked to do something, they will ask “what is in it for me”. This is something that any website owners should consider. It is useless to put a huge amount of copy on pages that have no headlines, sub-headlines and clear organizations.

Web Development Mistakes That May Cause Us To Lose Potential Clients

Web developers could have a contribution in making the website looks confusing. It could be hard for people to figure out what a website is all about. In this case, visitors won’t stick around for long. If they leave the site, it is likely that they will never return. The layout, navigation, functions and content should compel people to return and learn more. Often, visitors arrive to a website because they have problems that they need to solve. Our website should be able to define the problem clearly and offer the best solution possible. In this case, we should be able to share interesting things to others.

People want to know that they can really trust people they want to do business with. In this case, the layout and copy should include multiple emotional components that can appeal to users. We should be aware that people use their emotions when making decisions. As an example, the testimonial section of our website could be a strong component, because it shows how people successfully use a product or service. In this case, we should make sure that people can be hooked on our copy. This will set us apart from the competition and we could use the opportunity to show others how different we are.

Another mistake in web development structure is the lack of option for people to interact with the business owner. A website should have a lead generation component and it can take many forms, such as opt-in email form. If we don’t have this feature, we will lose many huge opportunities. The form allows us to build a list of people who have visited our website and we should be able to stay in touch with them. We will be able to build a lasting relationship and we can establish ourselves as experts. In this case, people will trust us to solve their problems. It is a critical step if we want to be successful with our business.

Unprofessional website design can give a strong message to potential customers that we will provide unprofessional services as well. We should properly format our content should it can be organized and read into proper sections. Navigation should be highly consistent on all pages and content areas must be specified.

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